Thursday, September 27, 2007

The UNICEF Logo and Fearless Music

Boro Vukadinovic is the name of a multi-millionare textile tycoon that donated the proceeds from all his albums, which bear the UNICEF Logo, to help bosnian orphans in 1997. The UNICEF Logo appears displayed on the cover of the album Rain of Mercy, from Agartha, which is the name of the group created by Boro Vukadinovic.

Part of the proceeds from all of the albums his label, Fearless Music has produced go to a global fund overseen by UNICEF that transfer the money to various children´s charities, which include the United Bosnian Children´s Orphanage Fund. Boro Vukadinovic has fond memories of his childhood in Bosnia, which he describes as a “multi-cultural land”, now devastated after years of war.

Borned in 1959, in Banja Luka, Bosnia. He was raised a Serb, son of a mixed marriage. Vukadinovick becomes melhancolic when he refers to his native land. “Everything I had in Yugoslovia does not exist anymore. It´s hard to explain it to others.” You can sense the deep sentiments behind his remembrance “...With those of us in Bosnia, we lost our homes, we lost our families, we lost our heritage and we lost our childhood. The only thing we have left is our memories”

In order to prevent things like this to repeat again, UNICEF´s main goal is to generate humanitarian response in order to save lives, alliviate suffering and protect the rights of children. Projects like the music of Vukadinovik and the UNICEF efforts exist to heal the wounds of the Bosnian children, and to end with all religious or ethnic differences.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

La Responsabilidad Social de donar autos en Atlanta

La Responsabilidad Social de donar autos en Atlanta

El donar un auto en Atlanta conlleva una gran dosis de responsabilidad social. La donacion de un auto a traves de Charity Motors beneficia a Atlanta por su participacion por medio del Atlanta Area Council.

La donacion de un auto beneficia a los programas de Niños Exploradores del Atlanta Area Council. Estos grupos creados para niños de distintas edades, funcionan a traves de todo el año. Estos programas son grandes ejemplos de responsabilidad social ya que promueven valores como el liderazgo, la convivencia dentro de la comunidad y el entendimiento intrefamiliar.

Asi como existen programas para los niños tambien existen programas para los adultos que desean participar como voluntarios y depositar su grano de arena en la labor de responsabilidad social. Los lideres voluntarios son las personas que encabezan los programas de actividades exteriores, enfatizando en el desarrollo del caracter, el entrenamiento ciudadano y el adiestramiento fisico.

Otras personas que se han beneficiado con la donacion de vehiculos en Atlanta es una pareja casada de Atlanta, Georgia. Cuando George, el esposo de Anabelle, se enfermo y tuvo que ser intervenido quirurgicamente por una infeccion en su pierna,George ya no pudo hacerse cargo de su barco de dos motores Honda 130. Pensaron que venderlo seria cuestion de dias, debido a que estaban en pleno verano y cerca de la costa. Gracias a los programas de donacion, pudieron donar su vehiculo, recibir una gran deduccion de impuestos y expresar su responsabilidad social donando a la comunidad enla que viven.

Consejos para recuadar fondos - Connecticut

La juventud de Connecticut participa en los programas de donacion de autos y ofrece consejos para recaudar fondos. El dia 28 de junio estudiantes de Sarah Porter Leadership Institute colaboraron con Good News Garage en los proyectos de donacion de autos en Connecticut.

Un grupo de 28 voluntarias del Sarah Porter Leadership Institute en Farmington, Connecticut, escuela especializada en forjar a jovenes señoritas en valores de liderazgo y en estimular su potencial, recientemente visitaron la sede de Good News Garage, conocida por sus consejos para recuadar fondos. Con el objetivo de asistir a los distintos proyectos de servicio social, estas 28 voluntarias han ocupado dias destinado a sus vacaciones para prestar sus servicios a la comunidad junto a Good News Garage.

Aprovechando las instalaciones de Good News Garage, una congregacion de comunidades religiosas que se reunen para brindar soluciones a los problemas de transporte dentro de las clases menos privilegiadas, las voluntarias de 6º, 7º y 8º grado desempeñaron distintas actividades durante el dia. Entre las tareas que realizaron podemos destacar, la limpieza de los automoviles donados, antes de ser entregados. La preparacion de paquetes de chocolates M&M para su distribucion y hojas de actividades de Good News Garage asi como la preparacion de una encuesta y carta personalizada para los miembros de la organizacion.

Al final del dia tres autos quedaron completamente limpios, por dentro y por fuera, listos para entregar, cientos de paquetes de pastillas M&M armados y mas de 300 cartas fueron etiquetadas y selladas en sobres listas para su disitribucion. Good News Garage desea agradecer a todas las voluntarias de Sarah Porter Leadership Institute por su arduo trabajo, entusiasmo y energia.

Tips para Donar Fondos

¿Como es la donacion de autos en Maryland y como saber que estoy realmente beneficiando a alguien? Si lo que le preocupa es saber los resulatdos de su donacion en Maryland, aqui hay una lista de diez tips del tipo de donacion de autos se pueden realizar con los contactos correctos.


  1. A traves de la Maryland Youth Maritime Academy puede donar su auto, quienes tienen una alianza con la agencia de donaciones Donate Car USA. El Maryland Youth Maritime Academy desarrolla programas para el desarrollo y educacion de niños de sectores desfavorecidos en la poblacion.

  2. Obtenga el registro anual de su entidad caritativa de eleccion y lealo detenidamente. Averigue como utilizaron sus fondos de caridad el año pasado y cuales fueron los resultados.

  3. La Grace Episcopal Day School, en Kensington y Silver Spring., MD funciona desde hace mas de cuatro decadas como una prestigiosa entidad academica y ofrece servicios comunitarios en Atlanta. La escuela esta en asociacion con el programa de donacion de autos Car Angel.

  4. Pregunte a las entidades que hacen con los vehiculos donados. ¿Los venden en remnates publicos? ¿Los acondicionan para mejorar su precio de venta, o se los entregan a los miembros necesitados de su comunidad?

  5. Evite las agencias que tienen altos gastos de gestionamiento, la donacion suyo sera menor gracias a estos gastos.

  6. Los precios de mercado por el valor de un auto donado se entregan completos si el auto per se es utilizado por la entidad, si es vendido no recibira este precio.

  7. Solicite siempre sus recibos en caso de un a compañia retire el auto que esta donando.

  8. Asegurese que los recibos por la doancion incluyen el numero de identificacion de la entidad caritativa.

  9. Verifique que la entidad caritativa esta registrada correctamente dentro del Departamento de Fisco.

  10. Asegurese que los beneficos estan relacionadas a su comunidad local.


Monday, September 17, 2007

The UNICEF Logo and Damavand Mineral Water

The UNICEF Logo will feature on the bottles of Damavand Mineral Water as a partnership to benefit Iranian children. For the first time in the history of Iran, a share of the sale of a product will benefit a charitable cause, and this particular product will be carrying the UNICEF Logo.

With this campaign, the Damavand Mineral Water company will be donating a portion of the revenues to UNICEF Iran, which will be benefiting the local schoolgirls´ educational projects. Tath means, that for a full year special mineral water bottles will be on sale and their labels will carry the UNICEF Logo and detailed information on how proceeds from it´s purchase will benefit thousands of schoolgirls from Iran as well as 4,500 children that will benefit from activities to include community-based school management and quality education.

This type of campaign brings rewards to everyone, not only will it help develop new educational programs, but it will also create goodwill reciprocal from other Iranian industries, in an effort to promote social responsibilities and improve the life of those who are in remote regions of the country.

This type of sponsorship helps establish that there is no need to rely on funds that are sent from abroad. That social marketing from inside the country can help provide for the well being of the population and that this is an item of national concern that needs to be dealt with.

“This is a win-win situation” says Jan-Pieter Kleijburg, Deputy Representative of UNICEF in Iran.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


by a.b. barnett

I commend CNN for its initiative of acknowledging the spirit of individuals who seem to be impelled, by their conscience, to perform good deeds. Nevertheless, I couldn't disagree any further or stronger, with the proliferation of all the other ill-begotten heroic deed contests. The problem resides, precisely, in the conjugation of these two words: contest and hero; as well as the dubious methods by which their nominees will be selected as winners.

In the first place, an act of heroism is, by definition, selfless; hence, it is the result of spontaneity consciousness and valor. A deed whose sole reward is crowned by the fruition effected through the act itself. Thus, they're all winners in my book.

Secondly, I'd like to know since when did WISDOM establish its dwellings in the realm of the mobile vulgus, or the vacillating crowd? It seems everything nowadays is in contention; as if Good Deeds and Art could, or should, be judged in the likes of jousting lists, or 100 meter sprint races, in order to determine a winner. Why can't some people comprehend that True Art and Good Deeds are inherently Triumphant?

I can't believe the archetype of crassness has laid its rotten egg in the nest of our consciousness by way of a chain of meretricious companies and tv shows that purport to be reputable bastions of credibility; and yet, it has, apparently occured. This trend is such an insidiously stealthy plague, that it seems we have become practically, if not utterly, inured; and, in the process of such inuredness, have branded it the “new standard” of a spurious pattern of selection.

The impregnation of our immanent asylums by these contentional cabals, has allowed me to painfully perceive the distorted ways by which some people would manage to walk erectly, regardless of how low a bar may be positioned. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe the time for a deep probing introspection has been long overdue.

We need to take into account that we are, basically, closed thermodynamic devices; therefore, the energy we exude, and will no longer be available to us,can be measured. However, the remaining amount, which is not unlimited, we will never be able to fathom. For this reason we should expend our energies wisely, instead of engaging in a senseless and wasteful entropy that, in the end, would transform us into the pawns of a uniformed inertness.

I sincerely hope the Nobel Foundation doesn't feel compelled to adopt such a spurious and bathetic trend to choose their honorees; yet, I still cannot comprehend this new distorted and dichotomic view on heroism. Because it is an utterly crass idea to subject all those selected heroic deeds to a sort of popularity contest. As a matter of fact, CNN has wisely kept the word contest at bay, for they are,obviously, aware that genuine heroic deeds ought to be exultantly recognized, rather than being utilized in some futile money-making canard.

This act of appreciation by CNN, reinforces its reputation, besides proving that it practices what it predicates in its mottoes. I only wish the selecting committee could just acknowledge every single nominee that has already been felicitously chosen.

All in all, the purpose of this essay is to decry every connivingly expedient scheme that distorts and takes advantage of everything that has been conceived under the umbrella of Good Intentions. True responsible media, as well as other corporations, should function as beacons of edification; therefore, they should cast a guiding light in lieu of an obscuring shadow. Nonetheless, we end up being disserviced by meretricious corporations that have chosen to arrantly appeal to the rigid prudes and the laxly salacious in a simultaneous and blatant display of what's truly genuine in them: venality, connivance and expedience.

In my humble view, there should be more alternatives offering an eclectic voice; a voice effortfully aimed towards the promotion of an affordable sane objective: a Homeostatic state of Mind. Needless to say, if we're able to elude the pits of profligate wastrels, by all means,we should be able to afford it.

The problem, with this inauspicious phenomenon of contentional fever, lies in the fact that an unsound majority is giving too much credence to casuists; their siblings the sophists; and their cousins the imbeciles and asinines. Therefore, this infamous family, as infectious as it's always been, is nefariously prescribing its bathetic cues to accomplish nothing; and after the lessons that have been accrued in our collective millennia, we should be aware that this whole Zeitgeist, or rather Poltergeist, can be summarized as: ex nihilo, nihil fit, or nothing produces nothing. So, let us embark on the ship of goods to produce from something.

By a.b. barnett

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Prose vs. Poetry

by: Terry J. Coyier

Prose - a simple word that confuses so many people. What is it exactly? According to

1.the ordinary form of spoken or written language, without metrical structure, as distinguished from poetry or verse.

2.matter-of-fact, commonplace, or dull expression, quality, discourse, etc.

Prose encompasses most of the writing and speaking we engage in today, including what I am writing here. It is everything from novels to blog entries to television/films and everything in between. Prose is simply a fancy literary term used to separate general writing from poetry or verse. (Though, just to confuse you, we do have prose poetry, the halibun and free verse which can muddy any clear distinction.) Prose is typically written in plain language, follows the standard rules of grammar and punctuation and is arranged in paragraphs. It often reflects ordinary speech patterns. In fiction, writers do develop different styles of writing and employ various techniques to add interest for readers, but the writing is still considered prose.

Now that you understand a little about prose, let’s discuss poetry. Most people recognize poetry if they see a traditional poem. For instance, writing that has lines similar in length (each starting with a capital letter, of course), is arranged in stanzas, and has rhyme at the end of the lines. Most of us were taught about this type of poetry around the third or fourth grade. But poetry is so much more complex and varied than that simple example. In fact, those few things don’t necessarily define poetry at all.

Poetry is much more than just a few basics such as the form in which it is written, some general meter and rhyme. Modern poetry often deviates from traditional poetic form and rules. Poetry presentation has, once again, become somewhat artistic for some poets who write in everything from couplets to verse paragraphs. These lines can also be arranged on a page to enhance the visual appeal of the poem (as in shape poems), to aid in the rhythm of the poem (adding space between words to create longer pauses while reading aloud, for instance) or to add to the meaning or irony of a poem by causing words to appear in specific places. Standard punctuation and capitalization practices are falling by the wayside, as well, for many contemporary poets.

This still has little to do with poetry itself. So, how do we define poetry? I think Iowan, Paul Engle, had the right idea with is explanation: “Poetry is ordinary language raised to the Nth power. Poetry is boned with ideas, nerved and blooded with emotions, all held together by the delicate, tough skin of words.” That, to me, is what poetry is, but I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t break it down somewhat. I am not providing definitions, they are easy enough to come by.

Basic Poetic Devices


A quick internet search will provide you with reading material on each of these devices. Some are easier to hone than others, but all are useful if you wish to write interesting poetry verses writing simple poems.

Hopefully the lines between prose and poetry are now a bit clearer than before. Sometime in the future, I will have to address those other pesky fellows I mentioned that muddy the waters between the two. For now, whether you chose to write prose or poetry or both, I wish you the utmost success.

About The Author

Terry J. Coyier is a 37-year-old college student studying for an Associates of Applied Sciences degree. She is also a freelance writer who writes about a variety of topics. She lives with her son in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. Terry is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Writers.

Karma Snippets

Karma Snippets

* " Wanting what others claim you need weakens and; enslaves you; while seeking what is truly edifying, in conjunction with your genuine wishes and needs, corroborates your LIFE STANCE, even in a quavering milieu." a.b. barnett

* " The accrual of immaterial pelf will not provide the quenching nectar your thirst requires, nor the veracious numinous wealth your soul expects good deeds to inspire." a.b. barnett

* " Each of us is one that comprises many. The ideal is to have the many behave as one; and thus, provide us with a sheer melodious homeostasis." a.b. barnett

* " The Transductive Effectt of Elegance, Quality, Art and Love, allows us to be aware of how significant ambiences are to our spiritual, mental and physiological health. Hence, to establish an enduring ambience we ought to eschew the antipodal policy of procuring most of what, actually, isn't necessary; and purveying least of what is needed most." a.b. barnett

* " A dearth of knowledge on the threads that have been woven into the fabric of self, would only lead to a sure havoc caused by the misuse and mishandling of a strong, yet delicate tapestry." a.b. barnett, Gnothi Seauton, Nosce Te Ipsum."

* " The germane core in any constructive and cultivating ideology transcends race, ethnicity, gender and langaguage. Therefore, fruition is not exclusive to any specific group, but rather inclusive of everyone who is a stalwart of egalitarian means." a.b. barnett

* "If you listen to your heartbeat, you'll find your spirit traveling on the path of self-discovery, and thus, allowing your analyses to adopt apical proportions, as they soar and float among the purest of ideas." a.b. barnett

* " Selfless ideas are in charge of maintaining oases of sanity amidst a vast and futile desert of crassness." a.b. barnett

* " The accrual of information does not guarantee education as it was meant to be, namely: the hodos of liberation, the path to our edification; and the cultivation of minds at the service of our growth, rather than the spawning of foisted services in the aid of mind control." a.b. barnett

The Logo of Unicef: Irreplaceable Symbol

The UNICEF Logo stands out as an Irreplaceable Symbol for all that is good and noble in the human spirit. The values that are represented in the UNICEF Logo are the summary of their mission and a model to be imitated.

The symbols that are displayed on the UNICEF Logo represent different values. For example, the blue and white, which a lot of people think symbolize the skies, are really the official colors of the United Nations. The globe, represents the people of the world and the olive branches represent peace. Meanwhile, the figure of the woman and the child represent caring for the infants, mothers nurturing their children.

The UNICEF name, which means United Nation´s Children´s Fund, is self explanatory. As for the olive branches, it was presumed also, that these represented wheat ears or even two crossed spoons that hold wheat ears; both of these interpretations are misled of course, due to the fact that these olive branches represent peace.

But what is more important is to copy and pass on the values that UNICEF stands for. To encourage people into taking part of the solutions and to be a proactive agent in the community. So more important then understanding the specific meaning of the symbols inside the UNICEF logo is to comprehend the values and efforts to change society on behalf of the children´s future and to provide them with a better tomorrow starting today. So now it´s time for you to pick up the torch and see what you can do to improve the world around you.

Santiago Meilij

The joint partnership of UNICEF and FIFA

FIFA and the Unicef logo formed part of the official banner during the 2006 FIFA WORLD CUP.

UNICEF and FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) formed a joint partnership during the 2006 games, as part of the FIFA WORLD CUP, whose official banner diplayed the Unicef logo. However, this was not the first time they had performed under the same flag.

Since 1999, the two organizations have teamed up, through educational debates, to inform children around the world on HIV/AIDS awareness. They have partnered, as well, to promote the inalienable rights of every child to live in a peaceful world, a world devoid of conflict and abuse; and to quell the ill-begotten practice of abducting children with the murderous and spurious objective of recruiting them as soldiers.

In 2002, amidst the Japan and Korea World Cup, their campaign effort was focused on galvanizing the youth and children around the world under the motto “Say Yes for Children”. Thereafter, in 2003, the feminine power rose to the surface in the form of “Go Girls”. This theme was used to highlight the Women's World Cup, and as the right of every single girl in the world to be educated.

Last year, for the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany, their campaign, based on the concept : UNITE FOR CHILDREN UNITE FOR PEACE, was focused on global communication activities, as well as multi media initiatives that were broadcast, before and throughout each game.

Football, known as soccer in the U.S.A., is one of the most influential games in the world. It is renown throughout the globe, and is the most accesible of all games, due to the fact that only a ball and an open space are needed. It serves as a possitive, instructional and educational tool; a tool that backed by the UNICEF, can perform wonders in shaping a child´s future.

Santiago Meilij , modified & edited by a.b. barnett